A Revelation of Today's Apostasy Countered with the Good News of Jesus Christ

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The Apostasy of Professing Christians Revealed 

An Examination of the Deception Perpetrated by False Christians


"Now the Spirit [of God] speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils."
(New Testament, 1st Timothy 4:1; KJV)

When the disciples of Jesus Christ asked their Lord what sign would point to the nearness of His second coming and the end of the age, the first thing the Lord Jesus told them was to beware of the deception that would take place in His name (see Matthew 24:3-5).  This site was created to expose the very thing the Lord warned His disciples about.

In this day and age false teachers are everywhere.  Sadly, many of these heretical teachers are active within professing Christian institutions.  The things they promote as inspired of God are actually different and contrary to what was taught by Christ and His disciples.

Though there are various kinds of deception fostered in the name of God, the main purpose of this site is to focus on under-reported issues concerning the anti-biblical teachings and ungodly practices associated with churches and ministries that purport to be Christian.  Facts, insight and sound biblical exhortation are presented to show that the teachings and behavior of the "anointed" in question are in reality unorthodox in comparison with historic Christian doctrine and practice.

It is my hope and prayer that this revelation of error contrasted with the truth will produce (genuine) repentance among those guilty of perpetuating the heresy and committing the crimes documented by this site.

For the Glory of God,
Brian J. Karjala


The Physical Location of a Person Some Have Called "The Most Evil Man You've Never Heard Of":
Televangelist Ghost Writer Found

Neighborhood Watch:
The Home Address of a Colorado Pedophile Pastor

More Accounts of Sexual Abuse in Colorado:
Testimonies about Corruption at Focus on the Family

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Send questions and comments to: Brian Karjala

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Updated Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:52pm MST